Wi-Fi +蓝牙组合

星期二, 15 12月 2020 蓝牙模块
赛普瑞斯的WICED Wi-Fi +蓝牙组合集成了IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN和蓝牙在一个单芯片解决方案中,以实现小尺寸物联网设计。


星期二, 15 12月 2020 蓝牙模块


星期二, 15 12月 2020 麻喆 蓝牙模块
赛普拉斯提供了一个完整的蓝牙网格解决方案,包括所有网格节点类型,快速固件开发的示例应用程序代码,助手应用程序,包括Android, iOS和Windows源代码,认证的蓝牙模块,帮助您把您的智能家居产品快速和成本有效地推向市场!
This is a reference design for a versatile Internet of Things (IoT) sensor board solution. It targets applications in industrial predictive maintenance, smart home/IoT appliances with gesture recognition, wearables (activity tracking), and mobile for innovative human machine interface, or HMI, (FingerSense) solutions. This reference design was developed with Renesas partner Qeexo, who provided their Automated Machine Learning platform (AutoML) for edge devices.
Low-power wireless standard to easily connect any product to smartphones or tablets

With Microchip Bluetooth Low Energy modules, there’s no need to be an RF expert or navigate the costly and time-consuming certification process. These modules come with global certification, preprogrammed firmware and a simple ASCII interface for ease of use. Each module’s data sheet also provides board placement and layout guides to further simplify your development.

  • Fully certified for use in USA, Canada, Europe, Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan to save time and money
  • ASCII interface enables simple communication with host MCU
  • Preprogrammed with user-friendly firmware
  • Drop-in wireless cable replacement
  • High level of integration significantly reduces external Bill of Material and costs


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