
室内定位领域近年来发展迅速,现有的定位技术大体上分为基于TOF(Time of Flight,飞行时间)测距定位方案和基于TDOA(Time Difference of Arrival,到达时间差)定位方案。但这两种技术方案在实现二维平面定位时面临着同样问题:若要获得平面内的目标位置,至少需要三台以上的定位基站有较理想的LOS(Line Of Sight, 可视路径)路径,否则就会存在定位盲区。这一限制使得室内定位的基站部署数量和成本高居不下。
In this paper we present an overview on the development and standardization of ultra-wideband systems, technical aspects of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, and improvements made by the 802.15.4z amendment. We also explain the basic workings of a physical access system, the desired seamless access experience and how ultra-wideband technology can enable it. In addition, we briefly compare ultra-wideband to facial recognition access systems. We conclude by mentioning how ultra-wideband technology may extend to other related applications.