


Network layer
  • 设计流程
  • CAN通信矩阵设计
  • 网关报文和路由设计
  • 设计流程
  • CAN通信矩阵设计
  • 网关报文和路由设计
通常我们拿到某个ECU的通信矩阵数据库文件,.dbc后缀名的文件。 直接使用CANdb++ Editor打开,可以很直观的读懂信号矩阵的信息。


星期五, 26 03月 2021
This satellite module reference design is intended for Bluetooth® low energy passive entry passive start (PEPS) and phone as a key / digital key car access systems. The design demonstrates how control area network flexible data rate (CAN-FD) communication capabilities can be implemented with our Bluetooth wireless MCUs for systems that require higher bandwidth in-vehicle networking communications. Further benefits include reduced power consumption in the sleep state, our CAN auto-addressing method for improved manufacturing, connection monitor capabilities for improved Bluetooth localization accuracy and a compact printed-circuit board (PCB) capable of measuring Bluetooth angle of arrival (AoA) and received signal strength index (RSSI).
Ti integrated circuits and reference designs help you design passive entry passive start (PEPS) modules and key fobs that are secure and compact while reducing system power consumption and optimizing RF and vehicle 
This CAN Specification consists of two parts, with • Part A describing the CAN message format as it is defined in CAN Specification 1.2; • Part B describing both standard and extended message formats. In order to be compatible with this CAN Specification 2.0 it is required that a CAN implementation be compatible with either Part A or Part B.

FlexCAN Bit Timing Calculation

星期六, 07 07月 2018
The FlexCAN module supports a variety of means to setup bit timing parameters that are required by the CAN protocol.This document gives a basic insight into bit timings relationship and provide easy step-by-step guide to calculate bit timing parameters for desired baudrate.