
CM52系列产品是芯与物面向室内外融合定位市场,自主研制的UWB+GNSS室内外一体化定位模组解决方案,包含CM503B基站模组及CM522T标签模组,默认支持中国最新法规要求的Channel 9 (7987.2MHz) 频点。


星期六, 27 05月 2023
室内定位领域近年来发展迅速,现有的定位技术大体上分为基于TOF(Time of Flight,飞行时间)测距定位方案和基于TDOA(Time Difference of Arrival,到达时间差)定位方案。但这两种技术方案在实现二维平面定位时面临着同样问题:若要获得平面内的目标位置,至少需要三台以上的定位基站有较理想的LOS(Line Of Sight, 可视路径)路径,否则就会存在定位盲区。这一限制使得室内定位的基站部署数量和成本高居不下。

Qorvo's UWB Solutions Interoperable with Apple's U1 Chip for Ultra-Wideband Enabled Experiences

Qorvo, a leading provider of innovative RF solutions that connect the world announced the interoperability of its DW3000 family of products with the Apple U1 chip used in iPhone and Apple Watch models and the new Nearby Interaction protocol specification draft unveiled at the 2021 Worldwide Developers Conference. This compatibility will enable developers to easily evaluate new app experiences based on location, distance, and direction relative to a U1-equipped iPhone or Apple Watch. The DW3000 is Qorvo's next-generation ultra-wideband (UWB) chipset family and is ramping into full production in four variants, along with several modules and beta development kits.

Qorvo’s cutting-edge ultra-wideband (UWB) products add key location functionality to existing applications and unleash a completely new class of emerging location-based products and services.

Qorvo’s UWB products are available as ICs or modules (with or without a microcontroller). We also have development kits that allow you to explore the possibilities with ultra-wideband.

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