
MathWorks Bluetooth® Toolbox provides standard-based tools to design, simulate, and verify Bluetooth communications systems. It supports test waveform generation, golden reference verification, and Bluetooth network modeling.

With the toolbox, you can configure, simulate, and analyze end-to-end Bluetooth communication links. You can create and reuse test benches to verify that your designs, prototypes, and implementations comply with the Bluetooth standard, including Bluetooth basic rate/enhanced data rate (BR/EDR) and low energy (LE). You can also assess coexistence, interference, localization, and LE Audio scenarios by modeling multiple layers of the Bluetooth protocol stack.

在一些应用场合,我们会直接在应用层Simulink模型中使用CAN Pack和CAN Unpack这两个模块加载DBC文件,进行CAN报文的解析和打包。