Renesas:Outdoor Sensor for Automatic Home or Building HVAC System

Thursday, 01 October 2020

The outdoor sensor unit(s) for automatic home or building HVAC systems provide outdoor data from one or multiple bearings (North, East, West, South) to a master actuator. This can be one or all of the following data:​

  • Outdoor air quality (OAQ according to the Environmental Protection Agency)​
  • Temperature and relative humidity (degrees, percentage)​​
  • Light/Sun (lux)​​
  • Barometric pressure (mbar)​​

In addition, a simple GUI can be implemented via capacitive touch or push button(s), and/or a low power LCD (i.e., eInk) to display local sensor values and enter data. A more sophisticated GUI may also be achieved via a master actuator, IP gateway or smartphone. A real-time clock (RTC) could easily be added to switch between different operation modes, depending on the day, time, holiday, etc. All RTCs could also be synchronized within the system.​

System Benefits

  • The RX23W MCU enables Bluetooth 5 mesh communication​
  • The energy harvesting controller, the RE01 series, can be used for power supply. It combines the control of charging and discharging dedicated capacitors and/or rechargeable batteries of different sources with a powerful Arm® core MCU. These harvesters could be one of the following:​
    • Solar cell (i.e., using the natural or artificial room lighting)​
    • Thermal harvester (e.g., from a radiator or hot pipe)​
    • Vibration harvester (e.g., from machines/motors)​
    • RF harvester (i.e., taking away some of the near field energy from a close-by RF transmitter)​
System Block Diagram
outdoor sensor automatic home building hvac system
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RX23W:32-bit MCUs with Bluetooth® 5 for IoT endpoint devices, system control and wireless communication achieved on a single chip (Datasheet)

Energy Harvesting Microcontroller

RE01:Microcontroller based on Silicon on Thin Buried Oxide (SOTB™) process technology (Datasheet)


Product Description Featured Document
ZSSC3224 High-end 24-bit sensor signal conditioner IC Datasheet
HS3001 High-performance relative humidity and temperature sensor Datasheet
ISL29020 Low power, high sensitivity, light-to-digital sensor with I2C interface Datasheet
ZMOD4510 Outdoor air quality sensor platform Datasheet

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Thursday, 01 October 2020