Mathworks Matlab Bluetooth Toolbox

Saturday, 28 May 2022

MathWorks Bluetooth® Toolbox provides standard-based tools to design, simulate, and verify Bluetooth communications systems. It supports test waveform generation, golden reference verification, and Bluetooth network modeling.

With the toolbox, you can configure, simulate, and analyze end-to-end Bluetooth communication links. You can create and reuse test benches to verify that your designs, prototypes, and implementations comply with the Bluetooth standard, including Bluetooth basic rate/enhanced data rate (BR/EDR) and low energy (LE). You can also assess coexistence, interference, localization, and LE Audio scenarios by modeling multiple layers of the Bluetooth protocol stack.

MathWorks Bluetooth® Toolbox enables you to simulate, analyze, and test Bluetooth communications systems by modeling both links and networks. With the toolbox, run bit error rate and packet error rate simulations on those links. Configure piconets and mesh networks and assess their performance in the presence of WLAN interference. Create localization and LE audio scenarios and evaluate performance with a variety of impairments.

Generate all waveforms specified by the Bluetooth core specification: Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) and Bluetooth Classic. Use these waveforms as golden references when verifying transceiver chips.

Simulate end-to-end Bluetooth Classic and LE links with a variety of path loss models and multiple RF impairments. These simulations include reference receiver designs that correct all impairments. Calculate BER and PER for these links to assess the effectiveness of the receiver algorithms.

Run physical layer transmitter and receiver tests that replicate the test conditions specified by the Bluetooth standard. Also, use software-defined radios to perform over-the-air tests that verify Bluetooth transceiver performance in real-world conditions.

Use Bluetooth Toolbox with WLAN Toolbox™ to configure a WLAN signal to interfere with a Bluetooth signal. Then determine the effectiveness of Bluetooth adaptive frequency hopping in to avoid the WLAN interference.

Use angle of arrival and angle of departure techniques to determine the position of a Bluetooth node moving in 2D or 3D space.

Model Bluetooth mesh networks. Configure the managed flooding algorithm to determine energy usage, network critical paths, and throughput.

Configure a spatially aware Bluetooth LE Audio scenario that accounts for path losses through walls and floors. Determine the impact of WLAN interference on the packet delivery ratio of the LE Audio network. 

 physical layer processing 

For more information, see PHY Modeling.

Coexistence modeling between Bluetooth and WLAN 

  • You can model, simulate, and visualize noncollaborative coexistence between Bluetooth and WLAN and mitigate interference by using adaptive frequency hopping (AFH). See the following examples.

  • Select Bluetooth LE channel index for connection, periodic advertising, and isochronous events by using the bleChannelSelection System object™. For an example showing how to select Bluetooth LE channel index, see Bluetooth LE Channel Selection Algorithms.

  • Generate Bluetooth BR/EDR hopping sequence for inquiry, paging, and connection procedures by using the bluetoothFrequencyHop object.

For more information, see Coexistence Modeling.

Bluetooth location and direction-finding and ranging capabilities 

  • Estimate the angle of arrival (AoA) or angle of departure (AoD) by using the bleAngleEstimate function. To parameterize this function, use the bleAngleEstimateConfig configuration object and the associated object functions. For more information about AoA and AoD direction finding capabilities, see Bluetooth Location and Direction Finding and Parameterize Bluetooth LE Direction Finding Features.

  • Estimate the range between two Bluetooth BR/EDR or LE devices by using the bluetoothRange function. Use the bluetoothRangeConfig object to parameterize this function.

  • The bleCTEIQSample function enables you to perform in-phase and quadrature (IQ) sampling on the constant tone extension (CTE) field of the Bluetooth LE packet. Using this function, you can estimate the AoA and AoD between the Bluetooth LE transmitter and receiver.

  • To estimate the position of a Bluetooth LE node, use the blePositionEstimate function. The Bluetooth LE Positioning by Using Direction Finding reference example enables you to estimate the 2-D or 3-D position of a Bluetooth LE node by implementing Bluetooth direction finding functionality and the triangulation-based location estimation technique. You can measure the positioning accuracy of the Bluetooth LE node related to the bit energy-to-noise density ratio (Eb/No).

  • The Bluetooth LE Direction Finding for Tracking Node Position example shows how to track the Bluetooth LE node position by using Bluetooth direction finding functionalities and position estimation techniques. Simulate the direction finding packet exchange in the presence of radio frequency (RF) front end impairments, path loss model, and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and measure the positioning accuracy at each node position.

For more information, see Localization.

Bluetooth transmitter and receiver testing and support for software-defined radio (SDR) 

For more information, see Test and Measurement.

Link-level simulation and analysis in the presence of RF and channel impairments 

The toolbox provides reference examples that enable you to perform end-to-end Bluetooth BR/EDR and LE simulation.

For more information, see End-to-End Simulation.

Multinode communication in Bluetooth mesh, piconet, and LE Audio networks 

Use these features and reference examples to simulate multinode communication in Bluetooth mesh, piconet, and LE Audio networks.

For more information, see Multinode Communication.

C and C++ code generation support


Bluetooth Toolbox supports ANSI®/ISO® compliant C/C++ code generation. For an alphabetized list of features that support C/C++ code generation, see Bluetooth Toolbox – Functions and Objects Filtered by C/C++ Code Generation.

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Sunday, 29 May 2022

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