Saturday, 20 July 2024 12:37

Willis Tower Watson (WTW ) illegal PIP and Hearing Featured

Willis Tower Watson (WTW ) illegal PIP and Hearing

I am writing to inform you that the Company is considering taking disciplinary action against you for alleged misconduct.

This action is being considered with regard to the fol lowing circumstances:

●submitting weekly work reports
●undertaking a series of (bi-weekly) Claims knowledge tests with a pass mark of 90%
● participation in the PIP process

The Company alleges you have:
● failed to submit any weekly working reports after March 22.
failed to pass knowledge test 1. Your score was 70%. You have subsequently refused without good reason to participate in further knowledge tests .
●refused to participate in the PIP process 

The Company believes the above constitutes misconduct by you. Examples of misconduct are contained in the Company Employee Handbook at Clause 10. 1 where the following examples of
misconduct are provided:

● Failing to follow the Company's work allocations or instructions without proper reason or refusing to perform his/her regular work duties; and

● Other behaviors similar to the above,The company believes your conduct  in refusing to participate in the knowledge tests and PIP constutes's 'similar behavior' to justify disciplinary action.

You are required to attend a disciplinary hearing in Qin Ling Mountains Meeting Room of WTW Beijing Office at 15:30-16:30 on May 14, 2024 where the above algations will be discussed. The hearing will be chaired by Tomson Tian and a member of HR will be present. You will be given every opportunity to explain your version of events at the disciplinary hearing. Please note, however, that should you fail to attend the meeting without good reason the hearing will proceed in your absence.

If the above algations are upheld the Company may impose a disciplinary penalty. The type of penalty which may be imposed will depend on a number of factors including the severity of the misconduct as well as the general circumstances surrounding it.

At the hearing the following documents, enclosed with this letter, may be referred to:

●Chain of emails between you and Gracy Gao regarding your failure to submit weekly work reports
●Chain of emails between you and Gracy Gao regarding ycur failure to pass knowledge test 1
●Chain of emails between you and Gracy Gao regarding your refusal to take knowledge test 2
●Chain of emails between you and Gracy Gao regarding your refusal to participate in the PIP process
●Chain of emails between you, Gracy Gao and Samantha Wang regarding your PIP Your PIP documentation
Please note that you should not disclose the contents of this letter and/or discuss this issue with any employee of the Company other than your chosen companion for the disciplinary hearing or Samantha Wang.
If you have any queries regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact Samantha Wang.

wilis Insurance Brokers Co. Ltd,

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